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Mana-Sys Redmine Client

You tasks list visible in one clic. A simple and precise time tracking. Fed up with the boring time tracking sheet filled up at the end of day or end of week. Beside the ability to show you the list of you tasks, Redmine client is the perfect tool for time tracking. Integrated to your desktop With an efficient integration to your desktop (windows,linux, mac), you can access it in one click. Tasks List For each task, all informations are visibles. Direct links (tasks, project..) enable to access the redmine web page in one click.

Time tracking in one click Start, Pause and Stop time tracking on a task becomes like a game. Filter, sort as you need Filter and sort tasks according to many criteria : task type, priority, status, starting date .... Create new tasks Create new tasks assigned to you or any colleage with a simple dialog enabling to modify any information including custom fields.

Edit tasks Modify in real time any information in your tasks, including custom fields. Changelog generation Generate the changelog of a product or a version in 10 seconds through the management dialog. Gantt Use the gantt diagram to modify start and end time easily.