Living Language
Multi-media based language learning software.
Multi-media based language learning software.
TeamSpanish is a program that teaches people how to speak Spanish online through a video-based, web application. We are a fami ...
Agenda Mahala is a great website to Learn English. On Agenda Mahala we have great English Courses, and both Level 1 and Level ...
Learn words you actually need: Most language courses start with random words like “boy” or “cat,” but those aren’t very releva ...
This engaging game of skill is a mobile tutor for self-study of vocabulary and phonetics on the beginner’s (elementary, basic) ...
Rosetta Stone is the worlds #1 language-learning software. Our comprehensive foreign language program provides language learni ...
Lexicum is a vocabulary building tool that blends in the learner's language context. It offers a cross-platform electronic dic ...
Pimsleur Unlimited combines the interactivity of software-based learning tools with the convenience and power of the portable ...
10,000 sentences is an app that will help you learn new words in your target languages. You will be presented with a series of ...
eXlogue is a knowledge and skill exchange platform. Everyone has something to learn, and everyone has something to teach. Why ...
Learning a new language is like swimming a marathon. Build the endurance you need to reach the shores of fluency; Drop by drop ...
Join over 300 million learners on Duolingo, the most popular way to learn languages! It’s free, fun and effective. The secret? ...
This app can be used in self teaching of languages and as an addition to English lessons. With this course one can master gram ...
Lingvist is the fastest and most effective way to learn a new language. Learn words and phrases that are statistically relevan ...
Practice and learn foreign languages with native speakers via email, text chat, voice chat or meet up for face to face convers ...
Beelinguapp for iPhone and Android shows the exact same text in two languages; side by side. At the same time, it is an audiob ...