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THE IDEA If you want to learn Chinese, we're creating the top website to do so. Our smart system knows exactly which words or concepts you need to practice. Like the most patient teacher in the world, it keeps presenting you with new exercises until you master these words, much like Khan Academy does for maths and Duolingo does for European languages. This results in a tailor-made language course just for you. You only need your computer and an internet connection.

STUDYING WITH THIS SITE The first level contains 9 units with 3 lessons each, covering most everyday situations and leading up to the HSK 1 (standardized test for Chinese). Each new word is presented individually, never more than one at a time. Then, complete multiple-choice, dialog, word order and translation exercises in order to train yourself to use it. If you make a mistake, the system will remember and it will show you more exercises for the same word, until you have mastered it. The same goes for grammar: after an explanation and some examples, you will be asked to solve various exercises until you have mastered this grammar topic. If you find it easy, there will be few exercises. If you find it hard, there will be as many exercises as you need, because the system adapts to you. If you have forgotten something else in the meantime, the system will quiz you on that as well. Once you have completed a unit, there is an extra reading exercise and a chance to have a conversation with the computer in order to practice what you learned.



SoYouLearn is a online spaced repetition platform. Key features:

  • A central DB which user can use for creating courses
  • Courses ...


Learning a new language is like swimming a marathon. Build the endurance you need to reach the shores of fluency; Drop by drop ...