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Kanji Koohii

Study the Japanese characters with James Heisig's "Remembering the Kanji" method, and review with kanji flashcards. Kanji mnemonics Create your mnemonics or pick one from the community. We recommend Remembering the Kanji by James Heisig to study with the website. Smart dictionary Koohii's dictionary highlights words which uses only the kanji that you have learned. This helps you acquire words gradually, building from your previous knowledge. Beautiful kanji flashcards Kanji Koohii comes with built in flashcards for Remembering the Kanji. Show example words and readings (optional). Review on desktop and mobile. Spaced repetition Kanji Koohii uses a friendly spaced repetition system: flashcard reviews are scheduled at increasing intervals to stimulate long term memory.



Learning a new language is like swimming a marathon. Build the endurance you need to reach the shores of fluency; Drop by drop ...