JINA is all you need to manage and organize your apps:
- resizable sidebar launcher for multitasking
- automatic app organizer
- dynamic folder organizer
- blazing fast app finder with T9 search option
- installed apps statistics tool and much more. JINA App Organizer works side by side with your favourite launcher as sidebar and app drawer replacement, adding also automatic desktop app folders to your android home. The app organizer automatically tags installed apps using market categories and market prices info, featuring advanced search function and customizable sort criteria. App organizer additional features:
- app origin detection (Google, Samung, Amazon...)
- dynamic desktop app folders for automatic categories
- drag and drop for category mapping
- batch functions for selected apps
- desktop Sidebar resizable and zoomable
- sidebar content customizable (from the icon only to full information)
- app list Excel export
- installation charts
- uninstalls and updates tracking
- favourite apps
- customizable app icons (icon packs compatible)
- 4 themes
- automatic switch to dark theme during the night ... and much much more