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JavaFIBS is a graphical interface to play on FIBS (First Internet Backgammon Server) from a multitude of different platforms such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, AIX, and OS/2. JavaFIBS comes in a few different flavours; from a simple applet which you can use directly from your web browser to an advanced version which you have to install on your computer. JavaFIBS Applet is the applet which you can use from your browser. Just click on the link and it will fire up in a few seconds. It should work with most browsers that aren't ancient or, more specifik, with any browser that fully supports Java 1.1.5.



Play the classic board game of Backgammon online or offline with an elegant, wood-themed interface.


  • Single player mo ...


DJ-backgammon is a graphical, easy to use backgammon game. You can play against the computer or across the network. There is a ...