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IO Technologies

Content Analytics and Editorial Dashboards for media.


  1. Precise real-time analytics. Find out which articles are read at the moment, what grows and falls.
  2. Evaluate your growth trends based on historical data.
  3. Optimize your content with Headline A/B testing and overlay widget.
  4. Get instant messages for any metric anomalies. PLUS EXTRA

  5. Evaluate the key metrics for your media with rating dashboards.

  6. Control content productivity and monetization by authors, sections, articles, channels, etc.
  7. Analyze audience behavior and trends using article-based, session-based and user-based filters. Filters are easily accessible within the main dashboard.
  8. See the results from all your Facebook pages in one dashboard. Control your key social media metrics: reach, CTR, engagement, etc.
  9. Collect the data from different media group resources in one database and one dashboard. Simplify your data export to third-party software and customer interaction.
  10. Get easy-shareable native advertising report in one click
  11. Be ready for the morning staff meeting with one dashboard. Includes the key metrics by articles, authors, sources and media in general.
    IO's Content Analytics solution is trusted by 1000+ media worldwide.