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Insta Promoter

Social Media Automation, Insta Promoter is an absolute automation tool for multi account marketing, that can help you grow and keep growing your accounts. Years of marketing experience in one package... Insta Promoter can… Like users following posts that have commented on a specific post, Follow a targeted users followers or following list, Option to not follow non English speaking accounts, automatically follow users back that have followed you, Option to Follow and Comment on a single post, Like based on Geo Location, Rejoin or any country or place in the world, use a blacklist to not follow specific users, Like posts of users that have commented on posts based on tags or keywords, like posts of a targeted users followers lists posts, use a blacklist to not comment on specific users posts, Option to Randomize Succession mode, comment on users posts of any scraped list from the site, Run unlimited niche accounts in any niche (Targeted Data Files), Option to Like and Comment on a single post, Option to Rotate Accounts At Overall Total, Use Post now function or post on schedule, allow the software to run the function one after another or in order, Follow targeted users based on tags and keywords, Option to not follow accounts that are set to private, Option to randomize scraped list or keep in order, Follow users following that have commented on a specific post, Scrape tags based on a specific tag and save then as spintex, Like targeted posts based on tags and keywords, upload posts with caption and tags on posts, Option to Enable Account Rotation, like posts of users of any scraped list from the site, Option to Stop Bot On End Criteria, Option to set your own user agent string for identification, use spun tags and keyword files for targeting – unlimited number of, Insta Promoter can run just one account if needed, Option to not follow users that have links in there Bio... And much much more...