Identiconizer! favicon


This is a port of ChameleonOS' contact identicons feature with some additional features and fixes. When enabled, new contacts will be assigned a unique identicon instead of the default picture.

Features: Use identicons for newly created contacts. A service is normally used to detect new contacts. If you use the Xposed Framework, you can enable Identiconizer! as a module instead to integrate the application into the system. Choose from five different identicon styles: Retro, Contemporary, Spirograph, Dot Matrix and Gmail. Specify the identicon sizes, from 96x96 up to 720x720 (256x256 max on ICS.) Choose a custom background color for the created identicons. Create identicons for all contacts without a photo in one go. Remove identicons from all contacts that have one set. Contacts list to add/remove Identicon to/from wanted contacts only.