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Share clipboard with PC and transform android notifications to desktop notifications The easiest way to share clipboard containing links, text notes, photos or music from your computer to android and vice versa Never miss your Android notifications and see them on computer. HyraxHub delivers notifications from Android apps such as Facebook, Skype, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and other messengers and social networks directly to your computer. Universal clipboard: ? Computer clipboard can be shared with your Android device as easy as pressing a hot keys ? Share clipboard with your computer by tapping on notification shown when you copy something to clipboard Notification mirror: ? All notifications from your android pop up on your computer so you will never miss a message or a phone call ? You can easily filter out a list of applications to avoid unwanted notifications on your PC How to start ? Install HyraxHub Android application and follow an simple tutorial ? Install PC client from http://hyraxhub.com ? Press hot keys (by default: Alt + Home) on PC and your clipboard is shared. Press Notification on Android to put data into Android clipboard