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Take control of the way your ePubs display. Hyphen comes packed with a ton of options for custom colors, fonts, font sizes, line heights, paragraph indentations, margins - ...well, you get the idea. You can even use styling on a per-book basis. And if that’s not enough, you can also add your own CSS!

  • HIGHLIGHT AND ANNOTATE EFFORTLESSLY Tap-and-drag or use the selection handles to highlight in any one of several available colors. Write notes for a highlight and refer to them any time you need to. You can also share highlights as images and post them to Twitter or Facebook, or export all your highlights for use elsewhere.
  • GOODREADS INTEGRATION Use Goodreads? We've got you covered - shelve books, make status updates and post quotes, all right from the app.
  • ADD BOOKS WITH EASE Add ePubs using your favorite cloud services - Dropbox, Google Drive, and more. You can also use the in-app web browser to download ePubs, or add them using iTunes.

  • NIGHT MODE Transition Hyphen's reading interface to soothing, darker colors at night.

  • METADATA Edit the title, author, subjects, covers and more of your books. Hyphen can even lookup book covers and metadata for you.
  • SHELVE & SORT Add books to custom shelves, and sort by author, title, last read, or date added.
  • CUSTOM CSS & FONTS Hyphen lets you import both your favorite fonts for use while reading, as well as CSS.
  • DEFINE & TRANSLATE Translations of the text you're reading are only a tap away with Google Translate integration. Lookup words and terms in Wikipedia, Dictionary.com or Google.
  • VOCABULARY Add words to a vocabulary list and export them easily. Hyphen can optionally automatically add words you lookup in the dictionary to your vocabulary list.