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Hypatia is a game engine for single player 2D action adventure games. You can use it to make a game like Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons. Hypatia is aimed at non-programmers and programmers alike.

I'm seeking any sort of feedback. Hypatia supports FreeBSD first, but has great support for just about any platform (https://github.com/lillian-lemmer/hypatia/wiki/Platform-Support ). Maybe that fact should be more front-and-center? I'm not too worried. Hypatia is currently in alpha. Though, the wiki does elaborate on how nonprogrammers can use Hypatia to make a game (https://github.com/lillian-lemmer/hypatia/wiki/Nonprogramer-Guide ). If you're interested in contributing, I could really use people testing it out, making their own scenes, tilemaps, and such, proofreading documentation. Here's a list of ways you can support/contribute to/help Hypatia (includes donations): https://github.com/lillian-lemmer/hypatia/wiki/Support-the-Project .

Website: https://engine.hypatiasoftware.org/

GitHub: https://github.com/hypatia-software-org/hypatia-engine

Wiki: https://hypatiasoftware.org/wiki/doku.php?id=hypatia_engine:start

My major contact methods:

@LilyLemmer on twitter

[email protected] There are tons of ways to get in contact with me, see what I'm up to, or just get personal with me. Here's a list of pretty much every online account I own for Hypatia or otherwise: https://github.com/lillian-lemmer/hypatia/wiki/Profiles .

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