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HW Cricket

Everything we do, we believe in challenging the conventional, we believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the conventional is by making something which is original, innovative and precisely what a user needs. We just happened to make a great cricket app. Wanna try it?

HW Cricket app by HoldingWilley For cricket fans, we believe live scores matter way more than anything else while s/he surfs a cricket app. They are ecstatic even more if scores reach them easy and as fast as possible. At the same time, we believe a user is quite perceptive to data usage at all times while surfing apps.

We tried to solve this. HW Cricket is an ‘only scores cricket app’. We believe in being clean, easy to access and innovatively simple. Therefore no ­- so many sections, so many buttons, so many links, mindless commentary and a distasteful design. Fast, Lite, Simple, Innovative and easily Shareable.



Following the cricket matches you love has never been easier than on the CricHQ Cricket app. Consisting of a simple but powerf ...