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Wer Liefert Was

Wer liefert was” is a strong brand, and it must therefore meet expectations, offer a clear range of products and services – not to mention have visions, goals and values that form a basis for how we think and act. This is so we remain competitive over the long run and are capable of managing what the future has in store for us.

Position: The leading B2B marketplace We take advantage of our solid initial position to set our sights on Europe. And we will continue to do exactly what we do best: Bringing together the best suppliers and potential customers by offering an online B2B platform that optimizes the visibility of products and makes them easier to find.

Vision: Make Europe’s B2B products accessible worldwide The Internet connects the entire world ? a simple fact that forms the basis of our vision: to be the provider making European B2B products accessible all over the world. From pencils to revolving cranes. From copper wire to microchips.

“Wer liefert was?” brandbook If you would like to take a deeper look into our brand, then we have just the right source of information for you, our wlw brandbook. Our vision, mission and position as well as further information about our target group, our values and our brand understanding is presented in visual form on our interactive platform.



BtoB marketing services - BtoB trade platform - 2.6 million-company database - International Business network - Permanent trad ...