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HSHTG is a free hashtag manager app which will finally make your Instagram page famous. Doesn't matter if you want to promote your Instagram business page or personal brand - hashtags on Instagram is a free and powerful tool to do so. HSHTG was designed to achieve maximum from Instagram hashtags to help growing your Instagram popularity. Even your cat's Instagram page now can become insanely popular!

Here are some features: • Hashtag generator. Just enter 1-3 hashtags and HSHTG will generate a perfect group of 30 related hashtags for your next publication • Trending hashtags. Each day there are new trends and events happening in the world which only means there are some new juicy hashtags. Get access to them in the Trending section • Hashtags groups. Save generated hashtag groups to always have them ready for your new publications

• Favorite hashtags. Save new hashtags in the special group of your most favorite hashtags

Are those not enough for you and you want to became an absolute hashtags beast? Get HSHTG PRO and unlock all premium-features such as Smart Copy, unlimited groups, 60-hashtag generations and many many more. HSHTG is no doubt the best hashtag tool on the App Store. Download it now and become the king of the hashtags Instagram world.