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haneWIN NFS Server

The software implements a multithreaded NFS Server for all Windows platforms.

The implementation supports:

  • NFS 3, NFS 2 and WebNFS protocol.
  • UDP as well as TCP connections.
  • Unix soft-links (symbolic links).
  • Unix hard-links on NTFS volumes of Windows 2000 an higher platforms.
  • Inodes for block- and character devices. The NFS Server runs as a background service on Windows NT/2000 and higher. The necessary SunPRC PortMap Daemon is implemented as an independent service. On Windows 9x/ME the NFS server can run as an user independant application with a built-in SunRPC Portmapper. Connections with the NFS Server are supported over UDP or TCP using NFS 3 or NFS 2 protocol. For connection setup the WebNFS protocol WebNFS (RFC 2055) and the Sun RPC based mount protocol is supported. Multithreaded implemenation with a configurable number of UDP server threads and one thread per TCP connection. The software is shareware.