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Classtime is a solution for teachers that complements in-class teaching with immediate feedback on students’ level of understanding. Create great questions, engage everyone, improve understanding. No registration required to see how it works!

  • Create different 7 Question Types: Multiple Choice, Checkboxes, True or False, Categorizer, Sorter, Highlight Text and Free Text Questions!
  • More than 30,000 prepared questions for free on various subjects and topics!
  • Conduct live sessions with up to 300 students at the same time!
  • Assign point values to each question and have your student responses automatically scored!
  • Use 'Collaborative Challenges' that allow you to project fun and dynamic narratives that unfold as your students answer during the session.
  • Export your students responses, results and grading as PDF or Excel!

Increase participation in your classroom by providing an open chatroom for anonymous questions with no need to create an accou ...