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GNOME MPV interacts with MPV via the client API exported by libmpv, allowing access to mpv's powerful playback capabilities. GNOME MPV can be configured using the preferences dialog accessible via the "Preferences" menu item. Additional configuration options can be set from an external file using the same syntax as mpv's mpv.conf. See mpv's man page for the full list of options. The file must be specified and enabled in the preferences dialog under the "MPV Configuration" section. Options can also be set using the "Extra MPV Options" text box in the preferences dialog. The syntax used is the same as mpv's command line options.

Lua Scripts GNOME MPV can use most mpv Lua scripts as-is. Some Lua scripts may define keybindings that conflict with GNOME MPV, in which case you'll need to resolve the conflict by explicitly defining new keybindings using input.conf. See mpv's manual for more details. Lua scripts can be installed by switching to the Lua Scripts tab in the preferences dialog and dropping script files there. A list of mpv Lua scripts can be found here.

Keybindings GNOME MPV defines a set of keybindings in the macro DEFAULT_KEYBINDS, which can be found in src/def.h. The syntax used is exactly the same as mpv's input.conf. These keybindings are applied on top of default keybindings provided by mpv. Additional keybindings can be defined in an external file using mpv's input.conf syntax. The file can be set in the preferences dialog under the "Keybindings" section.