favicon is a free Git hosting site powered by GitLab, hosted by Sapphire. Sign up for FREE, via Sapphire Accounts Reasons to use ? Reliable - We have never lost any data, unlike like other popular instances of Gitlab ? Features - Kanban boards, groups, issues, and free private repositories ? Support - Talk directly to the site administrators ? Fast - One of the fastest git hosting services

Users can use the service completely for free. Enjoy! Help and Support If you have any questions, issues, or feedback: 💬 Discord: #Support 🐣 Twitter: @GitGudGG 📧 Email: [email protected] 🌐 Web: Accounts Feedback Form 📟 IRC: #Sapphire on or #GitGud on Background and History was created October 2014 in response to other popular git hosting services active participation in user politics. We wanted an apolitical platform that focused on the best features and technology for our users. Since then we've become home to over 4,500 projects and 6,600 users. Sapphire runs along with many other services. We are a user-supported open source company. Our company is designed in such a way that users are our only source of income, so we only serve them, their needs, and no other 3rd parties. This allows us to keep high standards of privacy and customer service.



AppDNA is a small XCode shell script which efficiently packages a Mac OS X Application's source code into the application itse ...