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Gitden Reader

GitdenReader is eBook Reader with intuitive user interface. It supports not only EPUB 2 spec standard but also EPUB 3.

  1. Supports EPUB 3.0 standard
  2. Reflowable book and fixed layout book
  3. Media Overlay not only in fixed layout book but also in reflowable book
  4. Javascript and CSS3 support
  5. MathML(math equation) and SVG embedded in epub file properly
  6. 99% of MathML 3.0 with embedded MathJax library
  7. RTL (Right To Left) vertical writing (EPUB3.0 ebooks in Japanese)
  8. RTL for Arabic and Hebrew languages (EPUB3.0 ebooks in Arabic and Hebrew)
  9. Essential features for comfortable reading
  10. Tap footnote link in a body text, it will be shown in pop-up window.
  11. Go back to the previous page easily since there appears “Back to p.#” when you tap a link in a body text or in the list page. Go back by tapping “Back to p.#”
  12. Export highlights or notes to a text file
  13. Zoom in an image or a table in a body text by double tapping
  14. DRM is embedded in Gitden Reader, unauthorized user cannot open an .epub file Import .epub files and text files - Delete a book by long press
  15. Read .epub files in the cloud: Dropbox, Google Drive.
  16. Supports OPDS catalog standard
  17. Read aloud (TTS)
  18. Intuitive interface
  19. Adjust your reading experience by tapping [aA] icon : Change 1) font, 2) font size, 3) line spacing in narrow, normal and wide, 4) paragraph alignment. Select 5) single or dual page view, 6) view by the page or scroll view which shows in rows, 7) day (white, sepia) or night (black) background theme.
  20. Search text, put a bookmark, share selected parts of content/ highlight/ memo on SNS and search dictionary, etc.
  21. Highlight in 6 colors, underline, strikethrough and insert/ edit memos
  22. Lock the screen orientation
  23. Turn on/off paper curling effect when turning pages
  24. Turn the pages with the volume keys of your device
  25. Adjust the brightness of the screen
  26. Put or remove a bookmark


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