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Form Analytics

Form Analytics by UseItBetter is a powerful tool for analyzing and improving online forms: checkout forms, insurance quotes, credit applications, and log-in or registration forms.

Integration: It is easy in integration and you can implement it yourself. Use the Tag Manager to add a reference to a single script that will automatically start collecting data: edited fields, validation errors and entered content

Conversion Funnel: Data analysis is as simple. It takes a minute to create a funnel and see at which stage most customers drop out. The intuitive interface will guide you through the steps of the analysis. Simply select the stage that you would like to optimize and gain full knowledge of users who dropped out there. See how they filled in the forms, the data they entered in the fields and what stopped them from becoming your customers. Get answers to key questions with ease: Which is the last field before they drop out ? Which fields needed user corrections? Which required fields do users skip?

Data Visualization: Thanks to automatic visualization, you will spot the data entry patterns at a first glance. What kind of data do the dropouts enter? What do they have in common?

Protect Privacy of Your Customers: The data entered by users are cleverly masked to protect the privacy and at the same time provide valuable information.

UseItBetter Analytics & Optimization Platform: Form Analytics can be purchased as ? a stand-alone product or as a part of the holistic platform for Customer Experience and conversion optimization.

Live Demo: Improving forms is the fastest way to improve conversion. Take the first step today and book ? a live demo: