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Forget Me Not

Make the browser forget website data (like cookies, local storage, etc.), except for the data you want to keep by adding domains to a whitelist, graylist, blacklist, or redlist. Features: This web-extension deletes data websites store in the browser in the following situations:

When all instances of a website have been left:

-- Cookies -- Local-Storage (Firefox 58+ only). -- History & Downloads. -- Different cleanup types can: 1 - Never: No cleaning. 2 - On Startup: Clean only on browser start. 3 - On Leave: Clean on domain leave and on browser start. 4 - Instantly: Prevent data from being set, if possible. Otherwise behave like On Leave.

When the browser starts:

  • Cookies (optionally only when not whitelisted).
  • Local Storage (optionally only when not whitelisted on Firefox 58+).
  • History
  • Downloads
  • Form Data
  • Passwords
  • Indexed DB
  • Plugin Data
  • Service Workers
  • Server Bound Certificates
  • Cache ## Delete thirdparty cookies on creation:
  • When a cookie is set without belonging to a domain that is open in a tab, it is considered a thirdparty cookie. ## Manually clean the above.