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World's most in-depth Football Stats platform. Over/Under, Head-to-Head, HT, FT, Goals, In-Play Stats & more. We cover competitions across the globe. Have you ever wanted to know what soccer teams score the most goals? What about what soccer teams are most likely to concede a goal by half time? Well, if you have, or if you have ever wanted the most detailed and simple to use soccer statistics, analytics and data at your fingertips FootyStats is now here. is the leading soccer statistics and analytics site in the world and it is now on the Google Play Store. FootyStats covers over 60 major & minor soccer leagues and cups - ranging from England's Premier League to Latvia’s Virsa League. By calculating and generating our own data for Over/Under, BTTS, and Clean Sheets stats, we guarantee that our stats are accurate and up-to-date. We provide analytics for in-play statistics, which will inform you when the team scores or concedes their goals across the season. This feature is very useful for understanding in-play dynamics of each soccer team.



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