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Fluent Kit

Fluent Design is a fresh and classy design system created by Microsoft, used in the latest Windows 10. Bootstrap is a front-end framework for agile developers, taking most of the CSS chores off your back. Fluent Kit takes both of them and combines into a single tool so that you can create uniquely designed websites, easily.

Features: Fresh There is no other solution that lets you create Fluent Design websites in such an easy and effortless way. Free Fluent Kit is free and open-source, providing you with all the most important web components. Modular You can throw away half of the Kit if you don't need it. We won't even cry about that. Lightweight docs There's no useless stuff like marketing polls or heavy plugins spoiling your perfect experience. Support As a team, we provide support on multiple channels. E-mail, Gitter chat, StackOverflow - you name it, we'll be there. jQuery jQuery is one of the most popular front-end technologies. Fluent Kit is based on the latest version, keeping your development fast.