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Fitso is a fitness based mobile app striving to help individuals achieve their fitness goal. It has free features which includes GPS tracking for run/ride, home workout videos and calorie counter to log your meals. The app also has fun features like challenges, badges and a social feed to track fitness activities of your circle or the globe. Whether you’re getting off from the couch to run 5k, cycling every day, diving deep into marathon training or simply pursuing a weight loss plan, Fitso can help you achieve all your fitness goals. People from over 100 countries using Fitso are losing 2 kgs per month, exercising at least twice a week and tracking their runs regularly! We give you the tools you need to track your run or ride, log your daily food, watch exercise videos, plan meals, prepare for a race and get a personal coach to make healthy choices and achieve your goals. WHAT MAKES US SPECIAL - • FREE - sign up and access to all the tools & plans. NO ADS. • HD videos to show you at-home exercises with coaching. • GPS Tracker to track your runs & rides accurately. • Calories counter with a large database of more than 1,000,000 food items. • Prepare for 5K, 10K, 21K or marathon race with in-built plans made by experts. • Freestyle workouts such as “7-minute Workout” and “Daily Abs Workout” are added every month. • Custom made workout plan based on your weight loss goal target. • Workout plans for – Legs, Abs, Butts, Upper body, Full Body Bootcamp.



ForRunners - A mobile application to improve your running

ForRunners use the GPS of your phone to track your run.

During a run ...