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FileAgo is a easy and highly secure self-hosted file storage and collaboration platform for companies and teams. Compared to other solutions, FileAgo is an attempt to tackle the collaboration part in a slightly different matter.

👉 No group folders/team folders Say hello to Group Workspaces. Each group has its own dedicated workspace hosting its files, thereby separating user data from his/her groups.

👉 No restrictions in sharing Some softwares put restrictions when it comes to file sharing. Like, if you have already shared a folder, then it is not possible to share its sub-folder (WHAT?! 😮). Or, not being able to block a team member from accessing one of the sub-folders of a folder containing critical data which only a few members should have access to! FileAgo does not have any such restrictions, making it easy for a user to share/restrict/block access to a file or folder.

👉 Comes with all the goodies that you expect:

  • Disk quotas
  • Email notifications
  • Event logs
  • Comments
  • Revisions, etc FileAgo will always be FREE (and without any restriction in features) for small teams (upto 3 members). Additional users will require a license key.