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Extreme Password Generator Pro

Extreme Password Generator Pro (EPG Pro) is a password generator utility which allows users to generate strong, difficult to crack random passwords. EPG Pro can be used by individual home computer users or large organizations. EPG Pro is very easy to use. Simply start the program, choose the length of the desired password, choose the number of passwords to be generated and finally customize your passwords as you like and finally click on 'Generate' and your password(s) will be generated instantly.

EPG Pro features: Generate as many passwords as you want. Customize password(s) using password templates. Add prefixes and suffixes to generated password(s). Choose the length of password(s) to be generated. Configurable list of charasters that are used in the password(s). Copy generated password(s) to the Windows clipboard. Ability to generate random passwords with random lengths. Ability to generate easy-to-remember password(s). Ability to import usernames list and generate passwords for them.