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EncFS provides an encrypted filesystem in user-space. It runs without any special permissions and uses the FUSE library and Linux kernel module to provide the filesystem interface. You can find links to source and binary releases below. EncFS is open source software, licensed under the GPL. As with most encrypted filesystems, Encfs is meant to provide security against off-line attacks; ie your notebook or backups fall into the wrong hands, etc. The way Encfs works is different from the “loopback” encrypted filesystem support built into the Linux kernel because it works on files at a time, not an entire block device. This is a big advantage in some ways, but does not come without a cost.

See also the extended introduction page if you are new to EncFS. If you need help, please use the encfs-users mailing list. You can also send me encfs questions directly, but I may CC a response to the mailing list, to help other people who may have the same question. Slides from talk: In July 2005 I gave a presentation of EncFS at the Libre Software Meeting in France. Slides are available as PDF, or with last-minute changes in OpenOffice presentation format.