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embedXcode is a template for Xcode. It eases development for the most popular embedded computing boards. After having played with embedded computing platforms for a while, I was looking for one single IDE and a better one. Because I'm a Mac user, I designed embedXcode, a template for Xcode, the free and standard IDE on Mac. embedXcode supports the most popular boards based on the Wiring / Arduino framework and on the mbed framework. — ATmega-based Trinket boards from Adafruit, — Atmel ATmega- and Cortex-M3 SAM-based boards from Arduino, — Microchip PIC32-based chipKIT boards from Diligent, — Atmel ATmega328 with BLE BLuno board from DFRobot, — Atmel ATtiny85-based board from Digistump, — Intel Quark SoC X1000-based Galileo boards from Intel, — LaunchPad MSP430 and LaunchPad Cortex-M4 Tiva C series boards from Texas Instrument, — ARM Cortex-M3 STM32 F103RB-based board from Maple, — ATmel ATmega328 and ATmega644-based boards from Microduino, — ARM Cortex-M4 Freescale MK20-based Teensy 3.0 and 3.1 from PJRC, — Atmel ATmega644p-based board from Wiring, — Nordic nRF51822 SoC-based boards from RedBearLab, — Nucleo F401RE on mbed from STMicroelectronics, — Freedom KL25Z on mbed from Freescale Code Presentation: Syntax colouring, line numbering and function highlighting ease code reading. Check-as-You-Type Code Control: This is really amazing. The code is checked as you type, with suggestions, help and error checking. Errors and Warnings List: The left pane shows the list of errors and warnings and some hints are provided inside the code.

Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE

Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended ...