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Allows you to scroll any window or control by right clicking (RButton) and dragging the mouse. It works very similarly to the "Hand Tool" in Adobe products, such as Adobe PDF Reader. Scroll both horizontally and vertically. Works in Firefox, IE, Chrome, Text Editors, Explorer, even controls within scrollable document like EditBoxes, ListViews and DropDownLists. Works with background windows. Scrolls whatever you drag. Will not interfere with normal RButton behavior. Only activated when clicking and dragging. Control+RButton forces normal behavior Great for reading or scrolling long documents. Click and drag slowly to follow along as you read, or quickly drag across the screen to jump to the end or anywhere in between. Customizable! Properties for scrolling method, speed, acceleration, etc. Perfect for laptops, netbooks, notebooks, or a portable mouse without a scroll wheel or middle button. Grab and fling; scrolling momentum. Drag any window like TouchFlo, iPhone or Android