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Don't forget

With app “Don’t forget” you can forget about constantly leaving behind paper shopping list and making excessive purchases. To make your shopping handier and faster all that you need is to install app “Don’t forget” built with Webix UI on your mobile device and start creating your first product list.

Key Features: Single-click to add/delete list item; Sorting in alphabetical order; Sorting by a product category; Simple navigation; Smooth transition between views; Autosuggest function; Adding frequently used products to “favourites”.

My Grocery List

My Grocery List

For those who like to keep your own private grocery list to compare different stores and their prices on grocery items, this a ...



ShoppyList is an elegant app that allows you to make your grocery shopping lists easily and quickly!



ShoLi aims at being a very simple tool to edit shopping lists, and then to be a support for checking on those very lists. It w ...

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