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Digital Defender

Antivirus software can be very hard to use, it often slows down your computer and seems to be built by engineers for engineers. Digital defender antivirus is designed to be the opposite: easy to use, extremely fast and it should never slow down your computer.

Features Incremental virus database update Using the incremental update mechanism the download time is reduced to a minimal level so we can release additional antivirus database packages several times a day to improve the defence. Users can obtain protection against new malware without spending a long time and generating considerable network load for the update. Comprehensive protection digital defender antivirus’ resident protection realtime protection provides a comprehensive protection against malware Outstanding performance and effectiveness digital defender antivirus’ scanning engine has outstanding performance. The engine uses behavioural (heuristic) analysis to detect harmful programs. Thanks to its platform and operating system independent scanning methods it effectively scans for all known viruses, worms, trojans, backdoors, scripts, macro viruses and other harmful code on any system. Small memory footprint A new patent pending design for memory usage, has made digital defender antivirus’ memory footprint incredibly small. This means it can run just as well on netbooks as on normal PCs.