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Diawi helps developers by letting them deploy apps in development directly to their devices.

iOS and Android apps Diawi works for iOS 4+ and Android 2+ apps and devices: development, ad-hoc and in-house builds can be installed wirelessly with a single tap.

As simple as drag&drop As a developer, simply drag&drop your ipa, zipped .app or apk into the field above and get a link to send to your testers/users/blogger/friends/…

One tap app installation Using this link on their mobile device's browser, users will be able to download and install the app with just a single tap, nothing else.

Privacy and protection Links are private: no search or index. They can be password protected and strictly respect Apple's security rules with UDIDs and provisioning profiles.

Simple tools for device compatibility Retrieving the UDID? Checking if the app is compatible with the users' device? Diawi provides simple tools to help with those boring tasks!

Free to start, you'll love it Most of this is free on Diawi! But you may also get an account with a lot more features!