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Cue Player

Cue Player is designed to be used by theater-sound people to play sound effects. With the availability of CDs with thousands of effects and the computer's ability to record sounds on its own, it's possible to have all the sounds for the show, including entry and exit background music, resident on a PC. Cue Player can organize those files, associate them with their cue lines, adjust volumes, and show running or remaining cue durations. Cues can be replayed or skipped over--difficult on a tape system.
There are four versions of the software:

  • Free - a cue oriented front end to Media Player.
  • Pro - the first design that allowed for multiple playing sounds and fading.
  • Premium - the currently active design with skins, essentially unlimited simultaneous sounds, control cues to change volumes and sequencing, and use of multiple sound cards.
  • Premium Plus - the sound control of Premium plus the ability to control video playback of images and/or video clips locally or across a network. In 2011 we introduced the companion program Cue Player Lighting that brings the same ease of control to lighting that Premium did to sound.