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Accelerate your business with the safest and easiest electronic signature solution.

End the Paper Chase Ditch the printer, scanner and fax. CudaSign cuts document turnaround time by as much as 90%. Get legally binding signatures from your customers, partners and employees in seconds using any device. You will save countless hours chasing signers, get deals done faster and help the environment. With CudaSign, you never need to search for a paper agreement again. Your documents are stored in a secure cloud. CudaSign gives you control over your document workflows and lets you easily integrate signed documents with other electronic systems. Starting at just $1 per user/month, CudaSign is by far the most affordable eSignature solution. You’re probably spending more than that just on paper! eSign in 3 Easy Steps:

  1. Send: Upload any document and mark who needs to sign and where using a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  2. Sign: Signers receive an email link and can sign from their computer, tablet or cell phone. It’s easier to use than paper.
  3. Manage: CudaSign routes documents to the appropriate people, ensures all signatures are collected and notifies you when the document is complete.

CudaSign (formerly SignNow) makes it easy to make, manage, and enforce agreements on any device. Hundreds of thousands of small businesses and 50% of the Fortune 500 use CudaSign's global platform to sign documents, collect signatures, and manage their agreement process. CudaSign is used in more than 170 countries and territories around the world. Career opportunities: CudaSign is committed to product and design excellence. We are always interested in talking with talented people that share this commitment.