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CSGO Server Launcher

A simple bash script to create and launch your Counter-Strike Global Offensive Dedicated Server. A Docker image 🐳 is also available. Tested on Debian based distros (Ubuntu, Mint etc.). 💥 Features

  • start - Start the server with the PARAM_START var in a screen.
  • stop - Stop the server and close the screen loaded.
  • status - Display the status of the server (screen down or up)
  • restart - Restart the server (stop && start)
  • console - Display the server console where you can enter commands.
  • update - Update the server based on the PARAM_UPDATE then save the log file in LOG_DIR and send an e-mail to LOG_EMAIL if the var is filled.
  • create - Create a server (script must be configured first). 💡 More info : https://github.com/crazy-max/csgo-server-launcher


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