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Crowd Supply

Crowd Supply vets products not only for originality, usefulness, and feasibility, but also for their commitment to user rights. Users can expect the following rights that creators agree to uphold:

  • The user has the right to explore, hack, investigate, reverse-engineer, and circumvent the product.
  • The user has the right to use the product unencumbered by a subscription or any other connection to the creator.
  • The user has the right to use, combine, or otherwise associate the product with other products or services, whether produced by the creator or not.
  • The user has the right to use the product indefinitely, limited only by normal wear and tear, without suffering interference from the creator or planned obsolescence.
  • The user alone has the right to decide to whom and for what compensation to transfer the product.
  • The user has the right to freely and publicly discuss, promote, and criticize the product.
  • The user has the right to control and know how information collected by the product is shared with and by the creator.
  • The user has the right to be informed of and to address safety and security concerns stemming from the product.


GoFundMe is a crowd-funding platform. It features (optional) multiple goals, pays out even if goals are not reached, and has n ...



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