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Resize, add watermarks and share your pictures with a single click. CoolTweak is a nice tool that expands the use of right-click menus on the OS level with actions you are able to tweak to fit your needs. With Cooltweak, you are able to right click files and folders to finish actions that without it, would need separate program to accomplish. For instance, right-clicking a picture will enable you to resize or crop the image instantly. You may also add your personal watermark and share your pictures online. It is like having a basic image editor and advanced file manipulator completely from your Windows Computer. Cooltweak also enables you to easily customize your right-click menu. You are able to sort the order of the menu, and even change each action to suit your needs. For instance, you are able to set up and rapidly resize a picture to a certain size with just one click. It also works for several files, enabling you to edit images en masse. This tool is ideal for photographers, power users or anybody who want to control their picture files without requiring a picture editor. Cooltweak saves lots of time, and a lot of unneeded clicks.