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Contus Vplay

Contus Vplay which is a ready-made video broadcasting and management solution that helps to promote the video content over the internet across all devices in a secured manner. It helps to make your videos reach all the users securely across all devices like PCs, Smart phones, Tablets, Smart Tv and much more. Its most appealing feature is that, it helps to reduce your time in marketing the content from hours to minutes. Choosing the right Video on demand solution helps to launch your channel perfect and load your Content over the top. Contus Vplay supports you with all that you need to feel an uncompromising video experience on web and mobile.

Video Platform: An astonishing platform for every video challenge

OTT TV: Delivers the content across smart phones, smart TVs and connected devices

Live Streaming: Streams the video content real-time, reduces the time to market the content Video Content Management: The Online video CMS helps to Organize and manage the video content at an expert level. Video Content Delivery: The video delivery solution distributes the video content to the right audience Video Hosting: Being APN Technology partner with Amazon they bring in their expertise in a host of Amazon cloud services that makes sure to get the right mix of hosting



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