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ColorSnapper — the missing color picker for OS X. ColorSnapper is an easy-to-use tool for quickly finding out the color of any pixel on the screen. It is activated via a configurable system-wide hotkey, giving you a magnifying loupe to easily pick the pixel you need. The resulting color is copied to clipboard in a format of your preference. Find out why you’ll fall in love with ColorSnapper — watch screencast on . Features: ? Customizable global hotkey ? 14 different color formats, including HEX, RGBa, HSLa, NSColor, UIColor (RGB/HSB) ? Setup primary and secondary formats and quickly switch between them using ?-key ? Change the magnification level using ?+ and ?- shortcuts ? Optional overlay with color codes in different formats ? Quick access to recently picked colors ? Paste the color format directly into your CSS file or application code ? Supports keyboard navigation with arrow keys ? Multi-Monitor and spaces support ? Support for picking from apps in fullscreen mode ? Displays selected color in menulet icon ? Display and pick alternative color format in history picks, just press ? (Alt) key ? Ready for retina displays ? Display picked color in Notification Center (Mountain Lion only)



The refreshingly simple color picker for developers that instantly samples and encodes any color on your screen. Just one quic ...



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