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Code.Fosshub.Com is a free service offered by FossHub. Free, Premium Bandwidth Our fast, global network will provide a good download experience: it's 100% financed by FossHub. We buy/own/rent/cancel all the servers worldwide according to the real needs of our community.

  • We use both: carrier-neutral providers and public cloud services (e.g. Amazon AWS S3 available).
  • "Oversell" concept is against our belief (that's why we buy much more than we need). Each server has to stay around 1%-10% for both hardware and network usage. This allow us to handle unpredictable traffic spikes.

  • We extend our worldwide mirror several times a year. Analytics and other features: Integrated Analytics data for downloads, including public download stats, Wiki, Issues, members ownership and others are available. Customize your free project: Change your project page, choose desired labels, project sharing on social networks such as Google+, Facebook or Twitter. Coming soon: FossHub API, Git/SVN/Mercurial version control system (including a repository), network expansion to Asia, enhanced upgrades to existing locations etc.