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CocoScan is an SEO Scan tool that analyzes your entire website to find any factors that will block the indexation of your web pages. The Scan tool looks into four types of analysis:

  • Indexation analysis Your website needs to be indexable before it can be ranked well in the search engines. Our robots analyze your pages to check that they can be indexed by Google.
  • Content analysis CocoScan analyzes your content to check how optimized your keywords are and to make sure you have no duplicate content.
  • Performance analysis This SEO Scan tool gives you up-to-date page speed and weight insights so that you can deliver the best user experience possible. We also analyze your website to make sure it’s responsive on different sized screens.
  • Page Detail With CocoScan you can also carry out an in-depth analysis of one URL to give you a full breakdown of its SEO performance. You also get a personalized to-do list of errors that need to be fixed to improve your website optimization. This allows you to fix errors one-by-one and rescan page-by-page instead of having to rescan your whole site. There is no subscription, you only page for the pages that you want to scan. These pages can be used as and when you need to.