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Developers and analysts have to face interruptions to their work each time a users request spreadsheets containing data from databases. Preparing these spreadsheets, refreshing each time and emailing spreadsheets to recipients takes a lot of effort, especially if its a recurring request, for eg, daily sales by channels or weekly cancellations, etc. Cirkulate provides a new way to setup a spreadsheet using only SQL. Then, the refresh schedule and the recipient emails can be added easily. When the scheduled refresh takes place, the spreadsheet is updated in Cirkulate cloud and then sent to the recipients via email.

Some advantages compared to other solutions are: A. Some types of users will never have the ability to consume anything other than data in spreadsheets. No dashboarding application or visualization software will work them. B. A spreadsheet in Cirkulate can contain data from multiple databases. Each database can be queried using its own flavour of SQL. This fits in with normal usage patterns of such report requests where support ticket data and the engg tickets data may need to be shared in a single spreadsheet. C. It is really really fast to setup spreadsheets and much easier to use compared to SSRS Report Designer. In fact, the aim with Cirkulate is to enable developer or analysts to get out of Cirkulate as quickly as possible so they get back to working code or actual analysis. D. Users get a portal to access all their spreadsheets in one place. No need to chase developers or analysts for sending spreadsheet reports. E. Managing and collaborating with recipients on a spreadsheet is a breeze. Some of these features are coming up. Think of this as Google Spreadsheets but on data thats coming from a database. F. There is no infrastructure to manage. Spreadsheets are stored on Cirkulate cloud, scheduled refreshes take place on our servers and spreadsheets are emailed from our servers.