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Calc XLS

Calc XLS is the perfect solution for the office professional or home manager alike who needs to access files from anywhere. Save files to your Dropbox account or open from Dropbox. Organize yourself by creating folders and saving files to folders – all in an order that makes sense to you. Share files by emailing them in either a .xls or .pdf format. Printing? No problem. There are print options you can set for every document that will be preserved for you when you need to print it again. In addition to automatically saving your work, there is a Save As option. Calc XLS has over 200 functions that give you a variety of analytical tools. These functions cover Mathematical, Trigonometric, Financial, Date and Time, Logical, Worksheet, Statistical, and Text calculations. It supports splitting panes and freezing, as well as creating borders, changing fonts, colors, and alignments. View your data in landscape or portrait orientation. Add Columns and Rows, Fill Down, Fill Right. Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, Clear – and while it might not be everything – it will be exactly what you need and expect from a powerful mobile spreadsheet app. We’ve provided templates so that you can operate your household and your life as well as any business. Use the Home Inventory template to catalog your household items. Create a Time Sheet so that everyone knows what needs to be done and when. Manage schedules using the Class Schedule template, even track gas mileage using the Gas Mileage Calculator template.



Create gorgeous spreadsheets with Numbers for Mac. Get started with one of many Apple-designed templates for your home budget, ...