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BytesFall Explorer

BytesFall Explorer (bfExplorer for short) is a web-based file manager written in PHP and JavaScript and licensed under the GNU GPL. It allows you to upload, download, view, edit, copy, move/rename, compress and change permissions of a single file/directory or a group of files/directories. It's also possible to create files and directories and execute shell commands. An SQL engine is used to store the users for the authentication (currently MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported). BytesFall Explorer has an interface similar to Windows Explorer.

bfExplorer uses the work of some other projects, also released under the GNU GPL license: LiveTree (a modified version) is used to generate the directories tree. GeSHi is used to highligh the source code in the known files. Shell Commander (a modified version) is used to provide the shell functionality. FCKeditor is used to provide WYSIWYG edition of HTML files. TAR/GZIP/BZIP2/ZIP Archives is used to provide the compression functionality.