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Forward traffic sent to a generated address to any device through a secure tunnel, with no NAT / port forwarding configuration required. You can expose any service (HTTP or raw TCP) running behind a router or firewall to the internet with a simple command (see terminal screenshot). No need to read docs or memorize command line parameters. You can view tunnel status online and kill them via the web interface if you need to. HTTP tunnels support up to 10 subdomains with SSL included, and HTTP basic auth. You can toggle password protection at any time per tunnel. Just use your Burrow.io credentials to login. Custom domains are also supported. Every TCP tunnel has a security group associated with it for access control. Each security group can have up to 10 IP addresses and/or Networks, or you can set it to to allow access from anywhere. You can use Burrow.io for free for 1 day. Go ahead and try it!