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Build Responsive

Create Beautiful Responsive Sites. Build it once and serve your content to desktop, tablet and mobile web users. So why go responsive? Well, there are many advantages to do so, depending on your current development cycle. Build your site and target multiple devices all at once. You can even declare what content display on what type of device. Say you want to show a specific content ONLY on mobile devices, you could do that by simply declaring it in your code by adding a class to the div wrapper (i.e. .visible-xs or .visible-sm). Google and other search engines love sites that are designed to be responsive, because they can serve search results based on the searcher device. So the SEO aspect is another major advantage.
With our experience in the field with real users, we also had the on-going mission to select the most robust framework for our RWB platform, and we decided to select the Twitter Bootstrap framework. Originally created by a designer and a developer at Twitter in mid-2010. It was officially released to the public on August 19, 2011. We started following the development of the framework early on. The approach with v3 is focused on the 'mobile-first' approach which fully match our company core vision.



Many content management systems are focused on developer or site owner needs, but concrete5 is a CMS that truly delivers the b ...