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Main features Complete scene graph with lights, cameras, materials, meshes, animations, audio & actions Native collisions engine Physics engine (thanks to oimo.js & cannon.js Scene picking Supports left and right handed systems Antialiasing Animations engine Particles & Solid Particles Systems Sprites and 2D layers Complete audio engine based on Web Audio Works on all WebGL platforms via a specific modern shader architecture and native touch support: IE11/MS Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, iOS (iPad/iPhone), Android, Windows Phone 8.1/Mobile 10, Firefox OS, Xbox One Optimizations Frustum clipping Sub-meshes clipping Hardware scaling Selection octrees Offline mode (Assets saved in IndexedDB) Incremental loading Binary compressed format Hardware accelerated instances Automatic scene optimizer LOD (Level Of Details) SIMD.js Collisions on Web Workers Merge mershing Shaders / Rendering

Physically Based Rendering (PBR) Standard material is a per pixel material that supports: Diffuse lightning and texture Ambient lightning and texture Specular lightning Opacity texture Reflection texture (Spheric, planar, cubic, projection and equirectangular) Mirror texture Emissive texture Specular texture Bump texture Lightmap texture Up to 4 lights (points, directionals, spots, hemispherics) Custom materials Custom shaders Skybox Vertex color 4 bones per vertex Fresnel term for diffuse, opacity, emissive and reflection

Procedural textures library Materials library Special FX Fog Alpha blending Alpha testing Billboarding Fullscreen mode Shadow Maps and Variance Shadow Maps Rendering layers Post-processes (blur, refraction, black'n'white, fxaa, SSAO, God Rays (VLS), HDR, DOF (Depth Of Field), customs...) Lens flares Reflection Probes Multi-views Edges renderer Highlights rendering Textures Render target textures Dynamic textures (2D canvas) Video textures Compressed (DDS) textures & TGA Cameras