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Using AutoWallpaper: 1) AutoWallpaper looks to a directory for the images that is chooses from. So first you must click Browse a choose a folder with images in it. 2) If you want AutoWallpaper to automatically change the wallpaper for you at a given time interval, check "Automatically Change Wallpaper" and the select a "Change Frequency" 3) If you want the wallpapers to be chosen at random, check "Randomize" 4) To manually change to wallpaper, click "Change Image" 5) To change directly to an image from the images list, double click it 6) When you are finished setting the options, simply close the window and AutoWallpaper will be minimized to the system tray in the bottom lefthand conner of the screen. 7) To show the main config window again, double click on the tray icon. 8) To completely exit AutoWallpaper, open the main window and click "Exit"

II) More Information: -More information about AutoWallpaper along with updates and news, please visit the AutoWallpaper website:



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