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Atooma makes your smartphone smarter! Create your Atooma to get any kind of task automagically performed on your smartphone. Atooma put your smartphone at your beck and call.

  • Whether you want your inbox Sms or e-mail automatically read while driving
  • Or prevent your phone from ringing or log onto a network when battery is about to die
  • What if your phone be so smart as to save in Dropbox your holiday's pictures No matter what need to be done, from wifi to facebook posts, gps to Gmail and photo – there is Atooma to automate it all.


  • You can set up conditional events (IF) that automatically trigger simple actions (DO), based on things like time of day, location, your favorite apps, email, battery levels, movement sensors and much more.
  • You can share your Atooma within the Wall and download Atooma from other users, for free!?
  • Manage your Atooma inside the App or log-in to